81.   The blustery weather interrupted an unseasonably warm winter, with several states reaching record highs just days earlier.

82.   The warm winter weather in the northeastern regions of the United States has slowed hotel business here.

83.   This is a combination longed for by the Dutch, a nation of skating fanatics frustrated by a long string of warm winters.

84.   Unusually warm winters, which required less heating, and the Asian economic crisis, which reduced demand, have been blamed for the low prices.

85.   Giordano International chairman Peter Lau said the lower net profit was largely due to the global economic slowdown and unseasonably warm winter, which depressed demand for clothing.

86.   Already the rain of the previous night, the first in eight months, had been evaporated by the unusually warm winter sun.

87.   But for the ordinary snowball-throwing, sledge-riding Russian, warm winters definitely get a cool reception.

88.   El Nino has been blamed this year for heavy rains and flooding in California and an unusually warm winter in the eastern United States.

89.   They are attracted by the warm winter weather, beaches, desert safaris and shopping.

90.   Unusually warm winter weather and continued demand for cheap consumer goods were also behind the decline, the official added.

a. + winter >>共 703
last 23.97%
cold 5.35%
mild 4.49%
harsh 4.27%
next 3.69%
late 2.92%
severe 1.92%
long 1.92%
warm 1.88%
past 1.54%
warm + n. >>共 858
weather 10.43%
water 7.71%
air 6.64%
welcome 4.55%
temperature 2.49%
day 2.25%
reception 2.18%
relation 1.60%
winter 1.48%
feeling 1.48%
每页显示:    共 94