81.   Villagers flee their sun-baked mud homes, the mountains shudder and residents cower.

82.   Villagers fled in panic.

83.   Villagers fled on foot and tractors, some camping out in the woods and others taking refuge in a school in a nearby town.

84.   Villagers fled when the Serb forces started shelling in July.

85.   The villagers had fled the approach of government troops from the former strongholds of the opium warlord Khun Sa, the Karenni source said.

86.   The villagers have fled to towns including this capital town of Basilan, the official said.

87.   The villagers initially fled when the rebels arrived, but then returned to pursue them with spears and machetes.

88.   The villagers have since fled their homes.

89.   Villagers fled into the bush from their Ijaw attackers.

90.   Local villagers have fled the mountains for the valleys to escape the latest violence.

n. + flee >>共 570
thousand 5.36%
resident 4.94%
refugee 4.88%
people 4.46%
gunman 4.06%
man 3.85%
attacker 3.73%
investor 3.60%
family 3.46%
assailant 3.14%
villager 1.93%
villager + v. >>共 578
say 15.09%
be 6.44%
flee 3.29%
have 2.57%
tell 2.29%
take 1.61%
find 1.43%
report 1.36%
try 1.18%
complain 1.14%
每页显示:    共 92