81.   He urged caution in extrapolating from just two years of data, since statistical blips occur from time to time without having a major effect on long-term trends.

82.   He suggested people only drive if they have to and urged caution.

83.   He urged caution in interpreting the findings until the final analysis is completed in a few months.

84.   He was trying, he said, to get out the message about bans on open fires and fireworks and to urge caution.

85.   However, Rep. Bill Reardon of Kansas City urged caution.

86.   However, one high-end party planner urges caution.

87.   In a counterpoint article in the journal, two public health experts from the University of Florida urged continued caution in treating HCV among active drug users.

88.   In a follow-up letter to the journal, Dr. Joan C. Marini, a top official at the National Institutes of Health, urged caution.

89.   In a perfect reflection of his own ambivalence, two urged caution, he said, while two encouraged him to run and one expressed uncertainty.

90.   In Connecticut, state officials said dry conditions pose an extreme fire danger, and they urged caution in activities including woodland hiking and backyard barbecuing.

v. + caution >>共 145
exercise 26.16%
urge 19.51%
use 8.65%
express 6.43%
advise 5.36%
throw 5.08%
counsel 1.79%
show 1.36%
voice 1.29%
preach 1.14%
urge + n. >>共 828
caution 6.24%
authority 4.80%
restraint 4.30%
people 3.70%
end 2.67%
action 2.54%
government 2.42%
calm 1.53%
boycott 1.49%
support 1.39%
每页显示:    共 271