81.   Activists on several university campuses in the United States have begun boycotts of Pepsi products, saying the company contributes to human rights abuses in Burma by investing there.

82.   All four protests except the one in Alexandria took place inside the university campuses.

83.   Al-Muhajiroun targets university campuses for recruits.

84.   Anas said the current demonstrations were still at an embryonic stage and were not yet a moral force after such a long period of political apathy on university campuses.

85.   As Israeli-Palestinian violence mounted across the border, Egyptian students have staged several anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli protests on university campuses across the country.

86.   At one point Wednesday, dozens of stones were hurled at the Israeli soldiers from a junior high school opposite the university campus.

87.   Bangladeshi university campuses are often battle grounds for rival groups fighting for control of student unions.

88.   Besides the Athletes Village, several state of the art stadiums were built on the university campus for the games.

89.   Before the rally, activists moved a sculpture erected last year honoring those slain in the massacre from a university campus to Victoria Park.

90.   Both demonstrations took place inside the university campuses.

n. + campus >>共 88
college 47.44%
university 26.78%
branch 4.11%
school 3.31%
satellite 1.40%
year 1.00%
research 0.90%
fall 0.80%
flagship 0.60%
weekend 0.60%
university + n. >>共 600
student 13.74%
official 10.58%
professor 6.55%
campus 4.83%
president 3.85%
system 2.08%
degree 1.79%
graduate 1.66%
administrator 1.66%
spokesman 1.59%
每页显示:    共 265