81.   Provide it for children yet unborn, so they do not emerge into the darkness of knowing only aloneness and the ultimate poverty of the absence of love?

82.   She also had to consider how her medications and seizures might affect her unborn child.

83.   She most likely had been downtown to interview for financial assistance for her unborn child.

84.   Should geneticists inform pregnant women their unborn child could be gay, knowing that might cause the woman to abort?

85.   Some anti-abortion groups use the holiday, the equivalent of Veterans Day in the United States, as a memorial day for unborn children.

86.   Special attention must be given to evaluating the morality of prenatal diagnostic techniques which enable the early detection of possible anomalies in the unborn children.

87.   Still, I spent the next eight months fretting about the harm that might have resulted to my unborn child.

88.   State law permits only the filing of a manslaughter charge in the death of an unborn child capable of living outside the womb.

89.   Some of the money will go for training foreign scientists and devising new ways of blocking AIDS transmission from a pregnant mother to her unborn child.

90.   Supporters say that it simply makes it a crime to harm an unborn child.

a. + child >>共 771
young 11.37%
small 5.30%
first 2.76%
older 2.27%
only 2.06%
the 1.88%
poor 1.87%
younger 1.76%
second 1.53%
grown 1.42%
unborn 0.87%
unborn + n. >>共 22
child 63.61%
baby 21.09%
fetus 3.40%
daughter 2.04%
son 1.70%
infant 1.36%
calf 0.68%
generation 0.68%
monkey 0.68%
pup 0.68%
每页显示:    共 186