81.   But only rarely are those fields close enough to markets so that the companies can turn a profit by converting the gas to liquid through conventional but costly means.

82.   But several experts say the project will take a substantial amount of time and work, plus a massive infusion of capital, to turn a profit.

83.   But several producers and studio executives expressed strong doubts that the film would turn a profit, largely because of its length.

84.   But some record seekers contend that many agencies charge more than the cost to provide copies or access, essentially turning a profit on furnishing records.

85.   But some real estate executives are skeptical that large numbers of developers will be willing to invest in sites where the likelihood of turning a profit is unclear.

86.   But such labels, like small presses specializing in literary novels, can turn a profit even with that level of business.

87.   But the company could not deny it has yet to turn a profit.

88.   But these companies have turned a profit.

89.   But the number of companies that have turned a profit in cyberspace is perhaps only slightly bigger than the water polo team from Chad.

90.   But unlike Amazon, rei.com turns a profit.

v. + profit >>共 638
make 9.97%
take 7.65%
boost 6.61%
turn 5.52%
hurt 4.83%
report 2.72%
increase 2.34%
generate 1.94%
reap 1.92%
earn 1.81%
turn + n. >>共 1540
attention 5.86%
back 4.82%
profit 2.83%
head 2.72%
corner 2.34%
table 1.90%
ball 1.80%
gun 1.37%
page 1.20%
heat 1.07%
每页显示:    共 536