81.   The troops did not respond, apparently in an effort to avoid clashes in the volatile city whose future is at the center of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

82.   The troops initially responded with rubber bullets.

83.   The troops responded sporadically, mostly with tear gas.

84.   The troops responded by firing machine guns.

85.   The troops did not respond.

86.   The troops responded with rubber bullets and tear gas, but witnesses said no one was hurt.

87.   The troops responded with rubber bullets and tear gas.

88.   The troops responded with rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades, lightly injuring one demonstrator.

89.   The troops responded with rubber-coated steel pellets.

90.   The troops responded with tear gas.

n. + respond >>共 1110
government 6.26%
police 4.23%
official 4.22%
company 2.84%
people 2.35%
troop 2.08%
force 1.70%
team 1.46%
player 1.43%
soldier 1.40%
troop + v. >>共 705
be 9.57%
fire 3.05%
take 2.15%
withdraw 2.15%
enter 1.97%
kill 1.91%
remain 1.70%
leave 1.69%
move 1.65%
shoot 1.58%
respond 0.66%
每页显示:    共 130