81.   His camera follows the parents, Sandra and Bautista, emptying trash cans and wiping down sinks as hospital janitors.

82.   His first big hit in window-dressing was a group of mannequins in tuxedos sitting among trash cans, with taxidermic rats scrambling over them.

83.   His owner is still angry about the trash can and calls him inside for dinner in a harsh tone.

84.   I crushed the newspaper and threw it in the nearest trash can.

85.   I drive by a trash can and dump it all in.

86.   How do I keep my trash can from being the local fly pick-up bar?

87.   If she keeps this up, major American publishing houses may start sifting through her trash cans for new product.

88.   If making a good name for oneself is needed, purge the fame and reputation quadrant of all trash cans.

89.   If your trash cans have cracks, crinkles, holes, rusted seams or bottoms or any other weakened or open spots, replace them.

90.   If someone wanted to walk off with our trash can, why not do it in January or February?

n. + can >>共 273
trash 28.72%
beer 12.39%
soda 4.67%
aluminum 4.18%
spray 3.70%
aerosol 3.14%
paint 2.17%
soup 2.01%
gas 1.69%
gasoline 1.53%
trash + n. >>共 110
can 28.02%
bin 16.64%
bag 9.42%
talk 7.61%
container 3.45%
heap 2.51%
collector 2.35%
collection 2.20%
fire 2.20%
hauler 1.88%
每页显示:    共 355