81.   Tens of thousands had been trapped between front lines and came under enemy shelling and gunfire.

82.   The attempt has been criticized for sinking the utilities, trapping them between state-mandated price caps and soaring electricity prices on the open market.

83.   The man who was killed was found trapped between floors in what may have been a stairwell, Bamattre said.

84.   The man killed was found trapped between floors in what may have been a stairwell, Bamattre said.

85.   The result is a generation of young men united by despair, trapped between lack of means to get married and societal pressure to start a family.

86.   The Scotland Yard spokeswoman said Renay Appleby became trapped between the cars when another car reversed toward her as she moved toward the kerb.

87.   They are trapped between the Zairean rebels and the Zairean army.

88.   Those who died in the accident had been trapped between the van and the bus, said Fire Department of New York Deputy Chief Mark Steffens.

89.   Today, millions of illegal aliens are poised to enter Malaysia, which finds itself trapped between the two hardest-hit countries, Thailand and Indonesia.

90.   Trapped between two defenders, Armstrong leaped to try to throw the ball back to McGrady.

v. + between >>共 726
fight 8.14%
fighting 4.61%
break_out 2.84%
exist 2.84%
stand 2.41%
sandwich 2.35%
catch 2.26%
reach 1.94%
sign 1.91%
make 1.78%
trap 0.70%
trap + p. >>共 60
in 55.56%
inside 14.38%
under 6.59%
on 4.50%
between 2.91%
for 2.62%
at 1.50%
behind 1.50%
beneath 1.26%
with 0.91%
每页显示:    共 98