81.   Nevermind that since the Soviet collapse, other nations have moved in and gone into joint venture with Castro in re-establishing Cuba as a tourist destination.

82.   Now the hill topped off with three large wooden crosses has become something of an oddball tourist destination.

83.   Officials say the more realistic approach spares tourist destinations undue financial harm from closed swimming areas on lakes and rivers.

84.   Often they have invested large amounts of public money in museums, concert halls and theaters to create tourist destinations, burnish regional reputations and stimulate blighted neighborhoods.

85.   On the plus side, a weak dollar makes US goods more competitive on world markets and makes the US a more attractive tourist destination for foreign visitors.

86.   On the whole, the first issue is like a glossy guidebook that catalogues unobjectionable tourist destinations rather than ferreting out gritty, idiosyncratic sites.

87.   On this morning in May, the first Tuesday market of the season, it does appear to be more small-town market than tourist destination.

88.   Once American art museums began to redefine themselves as tourist destinations, it was only a matter of time before one cropped up on the Las Vegas strip.

89.   Officials of some tourist destinations say that gas prices have their attention even though they are hoping that prices will decline by the time summer vacations begin.

90.   Opponents of such restaurants said they would tarnish the elegance of the upscale tourist destination and business center.

n. + destination >>共 148
tourist 42.68%
vacation 7.49%
travel 5.03%
holiday 4.58%
tourism 3.02%
investment 2.68%
summer 2.01%
resort 1.90%
weekend 1.68%
export 1.12%
tourist + n. >>共 533
attraction 12.53%
destination 7.41%
visa 6.19%
site 4.46%
industry 4.25%
season 3.78%
resort 3.55%
area 3.03%
office 2.56%
trade 2.29%
每页显示:    共 380