81.   Instead he will tour the area, which the Palestinians call Jabal Abu Ghneim, with another lower ranking Palestinian legislator, Salah Taameri.

82.   International investigators Tuesday toured an area where some of the thousands missing since the fall of Srebrenica are believed buried in a mass grave.

83.   Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack toured the area of northeastern Iowa hit by a dozen tornadoes Thursday night and declared disaster areas in Black Hawk and Buchanan counties.

84.   Jenin residents voiced their concerns to Palestinian officials touring the area Thursday.

85.   Later, Dostum toured the area with a couple of surrendered Taliban leaders from Kunduz.

86.   Mbaya, the highest government official in the sprawling province, toured the area last week and urged both communities to end the hostilities.

87.   Many Jakartans spent their weekend touring areas damaged during the rioting.

88.   Mississippi Gov. Ronnie Musgrove toured damaged areas of Madison, where dozens of homes were ripped from their foundations.

89.   Mohamed, who is also Information Minister, later toured areas affected by forest fires in Papar.

90.   Moi toured the area last week, condemned the violence and promised to punish the culprits.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
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tour + n. >>共 362
country 7.60%
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site 6.56%
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facility 2.39%
state 1.98%
museum 1.56%
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