81.   Earlier this year, the two soldiers were moved into their own building within Maghaberry prison after receiving death threats from prisoners from hard-line Catholic areas of Belfast.

82.   Dunlop had no information on whether the two soldiers were the only members of their six-man patrol to fire.

83.   Footage from the army video showed a man resembling Kane rushing the car, and then at the sports ground, where the two soldiers were being beaten.

84.   Flack did time for burglary and theft in the same prison where the three soldiers were held.

85.   Fowler was with the two soldiers and they all sat down for a drink.

86.   From a balcony across the back, the two soldiers had commandeered an expansive view of the hills surrounding Pristina.

87.   Garcia denies ordering the slayings, saying it has already been established that the five soldiers were responsible.

88.   Hashimoto will also visit the graves of the two soldiers and the slain hostage in a Lima cemetery.

89.   Hasan Cengic, the Muslim deputy federal defense minister, suspended those talks Thursday until the two soldiers were released or their bodies turned over.

90.   He also paid tribute to the two soldiers and one hostage who were killed in the raid and toured the ruins of the embassy.

a. + soldier >>共 430
israeli 25.43%
russian 5.82%
american 4.55%
british 2.88%
former 2.46%
french 2.38%
indian 2.25%
serb 1.87%
armed 1.61%
german 1.51%
the 1.22%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
soldier 0.26%
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