81.   Other Afghan civilians crossing into Pakistan reported that tensions were rising in the border town of Spinboldak where negotiations for a Taliban surrender appeared stalled.

82.   Over the weekend, tensions rose after an Israeli woman distributed fliers in the city depicting Mohammed the Prophet as a pig.

83.   Political tensions rose last week following the resignation of Thanong Bidaya as finance minister after four months in the job.

84.   Plus, as tensions rise more and more Taiwanese are making plans to escape.

85.   Racial tension has risen over the past week in certain parts of the northeastern region of Catalonia, where Banyoles is located.

86.   A cease-fire signed in August has largely held and Russian troops are completing their withdrawal from Chechnya, but tensions have been rising in recent weeks.

87.   After the polls closed, however, police had to separate pro-and anti-Milosevic groups in Podgorica as tensions rose.

88.   Al-Bayati said tension was rising in Baghdad, with the government increasing security around key government buildings and putting Republican Guard units in control of main highways.

89.   And tensions rose with reports that the rival Bosnian government was massing troops north of Sarajevo.

90.   As tension rose at Mission Control, officials turned off the audio system that normally allows journalists and other visitors to hear radio traffic between Mir and ground controllers.

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tension + v. >>共 336
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每页显示:    共 362