81.   Tension has flared in the area despite a recent accord to allow Moslems to return to this village and others in the same area.

82.   Tensions flared between the two countries last March when their armies clashed after becoming embroiled in fighting between rival ethnic militias accused of involvement in drug trafficking.

83.   Tensions have flared on several occasions over the summer in the separation zone where there are hundreds of mainly Moslem abandoned but badly damaged villages.

84.   Tension flared between Abkhazia and Georgia earlier this week after Abkhaz forces were reported to be massing in a volatile buffer zone separating both entities.

85.   Tensions flared in Cyprus a month ago when the Greek Cypriots announced a deal to buy long-range surface-to-air missiles from Russia.

86.   Tensions flared in Cyprus in early January when the Cyprus government announced a deal to buy long-range surface-to-air missiles from Russia, angering the Turks.

87.   Tensions flared in Cyprus last month when the Greek Cypriots announced a deal to buy long-range ground-to-air missiles from Russia.

88.   Tensions flared on the Israeli-Lebanese border Sunday, as Israeli warplanes overflew Lebanon and Lebanese Shiite radicals Hezbollah sprayed anti-aircraft fire across the border.

89.   Tension flared Friday between Serbs and Moslems on the boundary line separating the two former foes above the capital Sarajevo.

90.   Tension has flared along the boundary line in recent weeks in a number of places.

n. + flare >>共 167
temper 20.34%
violence 19.09%
tension 11.14%
trouble 5.23%
protest 2.27%
clash 1.70%
dispute 1.59%
controversy 1.48%
anger 1.36%
nostril 1.25%
tension + v. >>共 336
be 25.81%
rise 8.97%
remain 6.71%
mount 4.73%
run 3.16%
increase 2.86%
ease 2.74%
escalate 2.49%
flare 2.42%
grow 2.37%
每页显示:    共 97