81.   McCaffrey said that eventually, better science and ways of measuring drug use and abuse will enable policy-makers to tackle the issue.

82.   Negotiators on both sides left any suggestion of quotas out of the settlement, leaving the panel to tackle the issue later if it chooses.

83.   On his first trip as secretary of state to Africa, Powell reiterated Sunday that both sides should end the violence even before the settlement issue is tackled.

84.   One histrionic fool denounced Zhang at his news conference when the subject turned to Chinese government censorship and the moderator suggested that this issue not be tackled head on.

85.   Once there, this was the first generation to tackle issues like discrimination and child care, but they also were the first to savor the success many found.

86.   Other fresh columns tackle issues relating to women and children, and explore motherhood through a historical and cross-cultural lens.

87.   Other schools in Georgia and across the country are tackling similar issues.

88.   Over the last two years, Leahy has tackled issues from breast cancer to land mines on his Web page.

89.   Other governmental agencies are starting to tackle the issue.

90.   Pataki, who is eyeing the presidential race, should be commended for tackling the issue in a way that makes many other moderates look evasive by comparison.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
tackle + n. >>共 533
problem 22.51%
issue 12.66%
corruption 2.05%
crime 2.01%
question 2.01%
subject 1.78%
unemployment 1.78%
blaze 1.74%
crisis 1.47%
challenge 1.29%
每页显示:    共 282