81.   In the post-war years the PCF was the biggest party in France, but its support base has gradually been eroded.

82.   And analysts doubt whether she can mobilise her support base into an effective opposition given her lack of resources.

83.   An ANC official told AFP that the incidence of missing names appeared to be higher in black townships, its traditional support base, than in coloured areas.

84.   But in a statement Greenpeace said it had photographs of the French dumping material in the sea off Hao Atoll, which was a support base for Mururoa.

85.   But in a statement Greenpeace said they had photographs of the French dumping material in the sea off Hao Atoll, which was a support base for Mururoa.

86.   But the party retains wide support base all over the Kashmir Valley.

87.   But the traditionally white parties managed to hold onto their support base, but they also failed to make inroads into black communities.

88.   Citing his own experience, Wahid said his strong support base has enabled him to work for the nation quietly and without too much government interference.

89.   Critics, however, say it would merely serve to expand the NAP support base on local councils and among village headmen and local businessmen.

90.   The RMS has a predominantly Christian support base.

n. + base >>共 609
army 9.83%
datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
support + n. >>共 522
group 21.06%
service 7.02%
staff 5.13%
payment 3.13%
base 2.99%
network 2.60%
program 1.89%
role 1.67%
team 1.48%
personnel 1.37%
每页显示:    共 108