81.   So the group borrowed a page from the successful anti-sweatshop campaign waged by the garment workers.

82.   Shortly after that, Locke launched his successful campaign for governor, and put off doing anything about the Kingdome lease until after the election.

83.   Still, it was hard not to wonder whether successful pop songs, like successful campaigns, needed to convey more promising sentiments.

84.   The ABL begins its second season in October after a successful inaugural campaign.

85.   The city has much to gain from a successful anti-drug campaign, and so does Giuliani as as a national figure.

86.   The company has slashed prices on Pentiums in a successful campaign to make them the chip of choice for mainstream PCs.

87.   The Featherstones, together with their brown poodle, Phydeaux, are also the models in a successful advertising campaign for Greylock Federal Credit Union.

88.   The growth in Colombian coca cultivation came as Peru and Bolivia pressed largely successful campaigns to eradicate cultivation and arrest major traffickers.

89.   The general themes were familiar to Texans who heard them in his two successful gubernatorial campaigns.

90.   The industry says there was not enough time to mount a successful campaign.

a. + campaign >>共 781
presidential 9.94%
military 4.03%
advertising 3.60%
bombing 3.42%
political 3.28%
new 2.36%
national 1.81%
marketing 1.69%
major 1.15%
aggressive 1.13%
successful 0.71%
successful + n. >>共 1942
career 2.74%
business 1.85%
campaign 1.70%
surgery 1.48%
businessman 1.47%
season 1.36%
company 1.33%
effort 1.26%
program 1.16%
candidate 1.07%
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