81.   By blocking chronic sun damage and associated low-level inflammation, some studies indicate, daily sunscreen use can improve skin health and appearance within about six months.

82.   Contrary to popular belief, studies indicate that it is relatively rare for patients without a history of drug or alcohol abuse to become addicted to pain medication.

83.   Contrary to previous advice, recent studies indicate that salt is not the villain it was once said to be.

84.   Cuomo administration officials also argued that studies indicated that low concentrations of DEET were virtually as effective as high concentrations.

85.   Countless studies have indicated that small-capitalization stocks have provided above-market returns even after adjusting for risk.

86.   De Luca said that studies had indicated that moderate consumption of wine might reduce the risk for breast cancer.

87.   Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, speaking at the same news conference, resisted a suggestion that the study indicates the federal system is arbitrary.

88.   Despite the perception that older people are reluctant to change their ways, study after study indicates that they embrace technology that makes their lives easier.

89.   Demographic studies indicate Japan is an aging country, but the huge crowds of young people on the streets in the urban centers give the opposite impression.

90.   Early studies indicate that dealers, losing their customers, are leaving the streets.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
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official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
study + v. >>共 367
show 17.40%
find 13.47%
be 11.21%
suggest 6.62%
say 5.63%
indicate 2.87%
conclude 1.77%
look 1.24%
have 1.21%
confirm 1.02%
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