81.   He was a quiet, unassuming man, typically dressed in khaki work clothes and a straw hat.

82.   Hillary Clinton, who donned a straw hat for the park stop, dispatched an aide with a bottle of water into the crowd to relieve a stifling spectator.

83.   He wore his trademark red-and-white-striped jacket and straw hat.

84.   His motorcade into Guilin swept past lush green fields of rice being cultivated by bent Chinese peasants in pointed straw hats.

85.   His halo might be a nifty straw hat.

86.   His straw hat filters the sunlight.

87.   Her hair, now blond rather than brown, was covered by a straw hat.

88.   I had cowboy hats, I had red straw hats, I had a Mad Hatter straw hat.

89.   I stuck the bright red carnation in the band of my straw hat.

90.   If his goofy orange straw hat is any indication, his judgment has hit bottom.

a. + hat >>共 426
straw 11.45%
hard 9.11%
black 8.28%
white 4.58%
red 2.86%
floppy 2.39%
funny 1.98%
big 1.93%
wide-brimmed 1.77%
party 1.72%
straw + n. >>共 133
hat 37.35%
mat 12.05%
boater 2.89%
hut 2.72%
bale 2.55%
donor 2.04%
basket 1.87%
mattress 1.87%
purchase 1.36%
buyer 1.19%
每页显示:    共 219