81.   The Clinton administration has ruled that federal law requires states to pay welfare enrollees in workfare slots benefits at least equal to the minimum wage.

82.   The borrowing rate the state pays is used by banks and financial institutions as a benchmark for commercial lending rates.

83.   The clash at the end of the hearing began when Markey accused the governors of wanting states to pay less for the program but have greater control over it.

84.   The Democrats also would retain welfare as a federal program and require that states pay a share of the costs.

85.   The department, like the Congressional Budget Office, concluded that many states would simply pay the financial penalties rather than comply.

86.   The federal government pays for part of that, but states pay the balance.

87.   The judge later decided the state will pay, but the state may contest the ruling.

88.   The GOP plan would require states to pay benefits to recipients for at least two years, but no longer than five years, except in special hardship cases.

89.   The industry supports a California proposal where the state would pay to get old, smoking trucks off the road.

90.   The Mississippi Legislature ducked its responsibility, and now the state will pay for that act of cowardice.

n. + pay >>共 754
company 8.38%
government 5.56%
people 3.76%
customer 2.14%
consumer 1.95%
money 1.77%
state 1.72%
investor 1.59%
bank 1.34%
employer 1.17%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
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