81.   He died in a state of grace.

82.   He interviewed each senior manager on his perception of the company and the state of the industry.

83.   He is clearly in a state of shock.

84.   He remarks that when the state of our minds does not appear to change we do not notice that time has elapsed.

85.   He thinks that the ancient sites were locations where altered states of consciousness could more readily occur.

86.   He was approaching a state of exhilaration, a state which can be achieved only by human beings blinded to context.

87.   He was in that terrible state of lumbar pain where mobility involves a slow ambulatory squat.

88.   Hermaphrodites are in a state of constant battle against rebellious organelle genes trying to destroy their male parts.

89.   His state of mind will help to determine whether he is guilty of murder or the lesser offence of manslaughter.

90.   Howard, still in a state of shock, stared at Newman.

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number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
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group 0.86%
series 0.84%
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state + p. >>共 73
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with 5.69%
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on 2.13%
like 2.01%
from 1.98%
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