81.   Patients in state hospitals are usually well enough to make decisions for themselves after a few weeks of treatment, he said.

82.   Public corporations and state hospitals operated with emergency staff, as hundreds of primary and secondary school teachers demonstrated outside the education ministry in downtown Athens.

83.   Rakkiat said that currently private hospitals were hard hit by the economic crisis because most of their clients had shifted to state hospitals.

84.   A nurse at the state hospital in Ceyhan who only identified herself by her first name Ebru, said there were three injured demonstrators in their hospital.

85.   A policeman was shot dead while standing guard outside a state hospital on Wednesday, a police official said.

86.   A state hospital had refused to treat Soobramoney because his other ailments made him ineligible for a kidney transplant.

87.   According to the Sunday Star, Lee had been admitted to the state hospital in Kuantan, and due to a miscommunication, the wife was not informed.

88.   An eighth inmate died at the Diyarbakir state hospital hours after the incident, Anatolia news agency said.

89.   As a state hospital, Cipto Mangunkusumo, better known by its local acronym RSCM, offers lower treatment fees than other state or private hospitals in Jakarta.

90.   At least three Spanish tourists were killed, said a doctor at Duzce state hospital near the city of Bolu, where the crash occurred.

a. + hospital >>共 935
local 16.99%
military 9.26%
nearby 8.35%
public 4.53%
private 4.00%
state 2.31%
main 1.74%
same 1.63%
israeli 1.62%
palestinian 1.49%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
hospital 0.34%
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