81.   The event was sponsored by MetLife.

82.   The event was sponsored by the Partnership for Jewish Life, the Downtown Boat House and the Harvard Club of New York.

83.   The Lambda Youth Group of Hayward, a counseling and support program for gay teens and young adults, is sponsoring the event.

84.   The largest U.S. bank also said it will sponsor fewer events and cut periodical subscriptions to trim costs.

85.   The Kants helped found the Friedrich Nietzsche Support and Research Association, which sponsored the event.

86.   The library is also sponsoring some events connected to the debate.

87.   The National Baptist Publishing Board of Nashville, the oldest and largest African-American religious publisher in the nation, is sponsoring the event.

88.   The largest U.S. bank also plans to sponsor fewer events and will cut periodical subscriptions and trim other costs.

89.   The new rules also would prohibit cigarette advertising at sporting events and ban tobacco companies from sponsoring such events.

90.   The Rio, along with liquor companies like Tanqueray and Sauza Tequila, sponsored the event.

v. + event >>共 863
attend 5.79%
win 4.74%
hold 4.69%
host 2.54%
organize 2.48%
cover 2.44%
sponsor 2.33%
cancel 2.30%
stage 2.20%
plan 1.95%
sponsor + n. >>共 533
terrorism 7.66%
bill 6.86%
event 5.14%
legislation 5.07%
conference 3.29%
resolution 2.26%
talk 2.14%
program 2.14%
study 1.53%
measure 1.50%
每页显示:    共 160