81.   The parties do not necessarily share identical interests.

82.   The sons shared his interest in baseball, so business ventures followed.

83.   The two countries share common interests in maintaining peace and stability both in Asia and the world at large.

84.   The two shared an interest in music, religion and art, and that interest developed into a lifelong friendship.

85.   The two used to shoot pool and play ping pong, alternating victories, and also shared an interest in hunting.

86.   The United States and Iran now share an interest in maintaining a Saddam-free zone in northern Iraq and are both supporting the same Kurdish faction there.

87.   There is no area in which we share interests, except the vital ones like basic value systems, taste in friends and sense of humor.

88.   These events bring together a subculture of historical reenactors who share an interest in history and in the friendly and welcoming companionship of an encampment.

89.   These highly unusual philanthropic connections were forged on top of more common ties of friendship and shared interests.

90.   They both shared an interest in barely clad crime fighters who consume blood.

v. + interest >>共 475
have 15.41%
express 13.44%
show 9.06%
lose 3.54%
pay 2.79%
protect 2.16%
take 2.12%
attract 2.03%
represent 1.77%
draw 1.60%
share 0.89%
share + n. >>共 955
information 5.84%
view 3.99%
power 3.18%
experience 1.64%
concern 1.58%
cost 1.54%
responsibility 1.52%
story 1.41%
border 1.10%
blame 1.06%
interest 0.85%
每页显示:    共 126