81.   Gulf states severed links with Jordan and other Arab nations which they accused of sympathising with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during the seven-month occupation of Kuwait.

82.   However, China made it clear that such a development would be conditional on Pretoria severing its links with Taiwan.

83.   Israel has totally severed tentative links with Iraq under orders from Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin after an angry warning from the United States, senior officials said Monday.

84.   Belgrade severed links with the Bosnian Serbs a month ago over their rejection of the latest Bosnia peace plan.

85.   Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has disowned a decision by his military commander Ratko Mladic to sever links with NATO peacekeepers, a senior Serb official said Sunday.

86.   Dalglish joined Alan Shearer in becoming the second Ewood Park hero to sever his links with the club in the last month.

87.   Days afterwards, China, which regards Taiwan as a renegade province, severed links with Senegal.

88.   Elsewhere in the affected area, the earthquake cut off roads and severed telephone links.

89.   The opposition DPP wants Taiwan to declare independence and to sever all links with the mainland but China has threatened to invade if this happens.

90.   The Syrian government daily Tishrin on Saturday called on Arab countries to sever all links with Israel, saying the Jewish state was against a just and global peace.

v. + link >>共 484
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establish 4.81%
provide 3.01%
find 2.91%
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sever 2.16%
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include 1.79%
investigate 1.39%
sever + n. >>共 148
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relation 7.28%
contact 4.49%
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每页显示:    共 109