81.   No American should be subjected to discrimination in finding a home, getting a job, going to school, or securing a loan.

82.   Music royalties have been used in the past to secure loans.

83.   On Sunday the society pledged to provide special mortgage arrangements for buyers with difficulties securing loans for units in a To Kwa Wan housing block.

84.   On the difficulty in securing study loans from commercial banks, Najib said parents and students who faced such a problem should report the matter to the ministry.

85.   Other banks say their loans are secured, but disputes have begun to emerge among the creditors.

86.   Police earlier this year launched a full scale investigation into charges the company misappropriated funds, embezzled from public coffers and lied to secure loans.

87.   Presidential spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin conceded Thursday that Russia may be in trouble if it fails to secure new loans soon.

88.   Previous austerity packages imposed by the IMF and World Bank in order to secure vital loans have helped more than triple the cost of basic consumer goods since January.

89.   Post-budget sales, he said, came from those who had managed to secure loans.

90.   Prospective purchasers will have a hard time securing loans, goes theargument.

v. + loan >>共 522
make 11.31%
repay 7.91%
provide 4.12%
get 3.70%
extend 3.46%
use 2.81%
obtain 2.57%
take 2.38%
approve 2.38%
offer 2.22%
secure 2.13%
secure + n. >>共 1042
release 5.53%
place 2.81%
support 2.38%
loan 2.36%
peace 2.05%
victory 2.01%
area 1.95%
agreement 1.79%
approval 1.66%
right 1.52%
每页显示:    共 114