81.   Those sanctions will remain until the council is satisfied that Iraq has complied with orders to destroy high-tech weapons programs.

82.   Those sanctions will remain until the Security Council is satisfied that Iraq has complied with orders to scrap high-tech weapons systems.

83.   Those sanctions will remain in place until the Security Council is convinced Iraq has complied with U.N. orders to destroy its high-tech weapons programs.

84.   U.N. resolutions require the sanctions to remain in place until Baghdad complies with demands to dismantle its weapons of mass destruction.

85.   Until then, it says, the sanctions will remain.

86.   Under the law known as the Pressler Amendment, the sanction remains in effect as long as Pakistan is considered capable of making nuclear weapons.

87.   Washington insists sanctions will remain until there is conclusive proof Iraq has destroyed all weapons of mass destruction.

88.   While agreeing that sanctions should remain in place against Iraq for the moment, Chirac indicated that he was generally opposed to such measures.

89.   Williams said Powell reaffirmed to the family members that the U.N. sanctions would remain in place until Gadhafi admits complicity, pays compensation to the families and renounces terrorism.

90.   In first para pls read, xxx lifted trade sanctions xxxx sted xxx lifted certain trade sanctions xxx to make clear that no sanctions remain.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
sanction 0.26%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
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