81.   Lawmakers refused to close the gun show loophole in the Brady law or require safety locks on handguns.

82.   New gun laws, including tighter sales and mandated child safety locks, have been stalled in Congress for months.

83.   Now, Brady is trying to get President Bush to support child safety locks on handguns and background checks on people buying firearms at gun shows.

84.   Sessions said the Senate bill will include prevention funding and some administration-sought gun provisions, but not safety locks.

85.   Sessions said the Senate bill will include prevention funding and some administration-sought gun provisions but not safety locks.

86.   The company signed an unprecedented agreement with the Clinton administration on Friday to include safety locks with all of its handguns to make them more childproof.

87.   The Clinton administration strongly supports the safety locks and waiting period language and has criticized the failure of conferees to meet to fashion a compromise.

88.   The House-passed crime bill ignored his call for child safety locks on all guns sold in the United States.

89.   The Senate approved several measures a year ago, including a requirement that weapons have child safety locks.

90.   The two companies are already cooperating on developing internal electronic safety locks.

n. + lock >>共 157
trigger 18.21%
safety 14.04%
door 10.19%
child 5.86%
gun 3.70%
deadbolt 3.09%
child-safety 2.47%
power 2.47%
bicycle 1.85%
window 1.85%
safety + n. >>共 393
standard 5.97%
concern 4.85%
measure 3.94%
board 3.27%
issue 2.85%
regulation 2.66%
rule 2.61%
problem 2.56%
reason 2.49%
official 2.31%
lock 0.87%
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