81.   People try to deal with illegitimacy and crime and drug addiction, but these are the effects, not the root causes, of problems.

82.   Poverty is frequently mentioned as a root cause.

83.   Pollutants may be the root cause if it turns out that frog deformities are in fact becoming more common, as many experts suspect.

84.   Remove man, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever.

85.   SBC Warburg said money-supply expansion under a revised IMF program signed earlier this year is the root cause of the accelerating inflation.

86.   So doctors are continually tempted to try new drugs, even when their effect is symptomatic and does not address the root cause of the disease.

87.   Simon, who co-produced the disc and has never been known for amusing self-deprecation, may be the root cause of all this hand-wringing.

88.   Some scientists say the American lifespan could double by the end of the century, thanks to fundamental tinkering with the root causes of aging and disease.

89.   That financial incentive, many say, is the root cause of many of the improper sales practices that have hurt the industry in recent years.

90.   That lack of options, that lack of freedom and liberty, is the root cause of terrorism.

n. + cause >>共 237
root 36.41%
rebel 3.93%
crash 1.71%
independence 1.20%
right-wing 1.20%
accident 1.03%
minority 0.85%
refugee 0.85%
conservation 0.68%
immigrant 0.68%
root + n. >>共 143
cause 30.74%
vegetable 7.79%
ball 6.20%
growth 3.90%
end 3.75%
package 3.46%
server 2.74%
problem 2.60%
rot 1.88%
zone 1.59%
每页显示:    共 212