81.   With the new bridge, Budapest has seven bridges for road traffic and two for railway traffic.

82.   Witnesses said the amount of road traffic had considerably increased, enabling civilians to return to work and activities resumed as normal in the city centre.

83.   It also paralyzed train services and road traffic, cut electricity, gas and water supplies and telephone lines.

84.   Life was paralysed in Bombay as a squall snapped power and communications, disrupted rail and road traffic and washed scores of beachside shops into the Arabian Sea.

85.   Ships on Huangpu river and trains at Shanghai Railway Station blew their horns at the start of the funeral service during which road traffic slowed down.

86.   Sweden is already having trouble meeting the carbon dioxide goal because of increased road traffic.

87.   Stores that shut down Monday were reopened, with people out and about on the streets, particularly in the markets, but road traffic was limited.

88.   Tens of thousands of Lebanese fled the region Friday, but Goksel said many people also remained at home, fearing Israeli attacks on road traffic.

89.   The authorities have closed down schools and colleges in the entire area, suspended all road traffic since late Tuesday and curtailed train services.

90.   The blast appeared to confirm fears within the Ugandan military that rebels were intent on disrupting road traffic in northern Uganda.

n. + traffic >>共 357
air 20.48%
rail 6.02%
passenger 5.51%
rush-hour 4.04%
truck 3.22%
road 2.99%
train 2.90%
freight 2.42%
drug 2.04%
tourist 1.75%
road + n. >>共 698
trip 18.65%
game 8.73%
accident 5.20%
block 3.47%
race 1.91%
course 1.83%
rage 1.76%
sign 1.72%
condition 1.68%
link 1.62%
traffic 1.30%
每页显示:    共 93