81.   Clinics like EKO are facing a rising tide of infertile women.

82.   Crew members were counting on rising tides last night to free them.

83.   Contrary to the famous maxim, the rising tide of economic growth has not lifted all boats.

84.   Despite the rising tide in the market, most investors failed to beat the overall market.

85.   Does this rising tide of record-smashing weather add up to a stronger case for the reality of global warming?

86.   Echoing other right-wing parties across Europe, it contends that whites are being treated as second-class citizens by leaders pandering to the rising tide of asylum seekers.

87.   Even conservative Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan joined in the rising tide.

88.   Executives at Ford and Chrysler have derided the rising tide of incentives as a costly tactic that borrows against future sales by making them less profitable now.

89.   Falling rates and a rising tide of early repayments hurt mortgage bond investors because they get their money back early and have to reinvest at lower rates.

90.   Federal employees reportedly face a rising tide of threats and intimidation.

a. + tide >>共 252
rising 29.38%
political 3.44%
human 2.84%
incoming 2.84%
growing 2.73%
brown 2.49%
strong 1.90%
outgoing 1.78%
receding 1.42%
conservative 1.30%
rising + n. >>共 868
price 7.48%
cost 6.50%
star 4.16%
rate 3.58%
tension 3.53%
unemployment 3.29%
crime 2.81%
inflation 2.71%
tide 2.62%
number 2.47%
每页显示:    共 247