81.   Police in full riot gear were shown walking down Fourth Avenue, rhythmically slapping nightsticks against big plastic shields.

82.   Police in riot gear stood between the two sides, drawing abuse and missiles from both, and disturbances continued Saturday night.

83.   Police in riot gear with helmets and shields reacted forcefully, advancing in formation, backed up by four Dutch armored vehicles.

84.   Police officers canceled vacations and were trained in crowd control and the use of new riot gear and tear gas.

85.   Police officers in riot gear have been surrounding the building, and military units with chemical-weapons training are believed to have been on alert.

86.   Parishioners said police officers in riot gear descended on the congregration, indiscriminately using pepper spray and beating churchgoers, including women and children.

87.   Police in riot gear fanned out in search of a killer.

88.   Police in riot gear turn out on Thursday to quell a loud but otherwise peaceful union march.

89.   Police in riot gear were called to the studio to clear it of demonstrators.

90.   Police officers in full riot gear stormed City Hall to break up the demonstration and fired tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the downtown area.

n. + gear >>共 296
riot 36.17%
communication 4.12%
battle 3.66%
rain 2.86%
scuba 2.66%
safety 2.59%
survival 2.13%
camouflage 1.86%
sport 1.26%
high-tech 1.13%
riot + n. >>共 106
police 70.21%
gear 13.44%
policeman 2.54%
squad 2.03%
shield 1.88%
troop 1.51%
officer 0.94%
helmet 0.89%
control 0.74%
stick 0.47%
每页显示:    共 541