81.   Tribal feuds are common in the area and often result in revenge killings.

82.   Under decades of communist rule, revenge killings were rare, but now that communism is history, old debts are being settled and new blood is being shed.

83.   Until he was ousted in August, Twagiramungu also denied that the Rwandan government was involved in any revenge killings.

84.   Until his ouster, he denied there was any government policy of revenge killings.

85.   Until he was ousted three months ago, he steadfastly denied that any revenge killings in Rwanda were the result of government or army policy.

86.   When Tutsis overthrew the Hutu government and stopped the slaughter three years ago, Hutus feared revenge killings.

87.   Fighting in both former Yugoslav republics but particularly in Bosnia was characterised by brutal revenge killings and atrocities committed by all sides.

88.   His brother was gunned down by the IRA five years ago in a revenge killing, and his attitude underlines the bitterness of feeling in Ulster.

89.   However, initial evidence of the attack on former hotel proprietor Kim Sang-Yon Tuesday points to a revenge killing after a business dispute.

90.   Hutu refugees are streaming back from Rwanda into Zaire, fleeing reported revenge killings by Tutsi-led government forces, UN refugee officials said Tuesday.

n. + killing >>共 202
contract 17.18%
revenge 11.11%
penalty 5.56%
reprisal 4.32%
police 4.01%
honor 3.60%
execution-style 2.67%
mob 2.16%
gangland-style 1.85%
school 1.85%
revenge + n. >>共 74
attack 54.68%
killing 18.06%
factor 2.68%
fantasy 1.84%
campaign 1.67%
motive 1.51%
bombing 1.34%
operation 1.34%
game 1.00%
tragedy 0.67%
每页显示:    共 107