81.   So, it will be unfair if the government does not take any action against the people responsible for the collapse of the banks.

82.   Stepashin urged Khachilayev to help with the prosecution of people responsible for the violence.

83.   The responsible people must go back to the books, and not only as far as this threshold is concerned.

84.   The people responsible for the Ramsar Convention had foreseen the environmental degradation taking place, and with it, the inescapable water crisis.

85.   The people responsible for the show have even discussed not naming a permanent co-host, Gelman said.

86.   The people responsible must be held accountable.

87.   The people responsible for keeping the games safe say soccer is not even their biggest fear.

88.   There are now no adequate means to ensure that people responsible for atrocities will be held accountable, Macedo said.

89.   Weerakorn said the legislation was aimed at money that was laundered and not at the people responsible because they would anyway be punished by other laws.

90.   Witnesses have been cautioned to be accurate in their testimony, particularly if they name people responsible for abuses.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
responsible 0.23%
responsible + n. >>共 710
official 5.72%
agency 3.40%
people 3.34%
minister 3.34%
person 3.15%
man 2.83%
group 2.41%
company 1.83%
party 1.64%
one 1.61%
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