81.   But so far, the Republican majority in the Senate has not made a decision on whether to hold public hearings or judge Packwood in private.

82.   But the Clinton campaign also wanted to dramatize its bid to back Democratic congressional candidates who may help overturn a Republican majority.

83.   But the criticism has died down this year, as long-term interest rates have dropped and a new Republican majority in Congress has shown less interest in the issue.

84.   But Republican majority members decided it best he make his case seated at a table, like any other witness.

85.   But Robert Hollsworth, a political science professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, foresees even more political skirmishes between the Democratic White House and the Republican majority.

86.   But the opening debate took longer than the Republican majority had planned, as some senators cautioned against hasty votes on something they did not yet fully understand.

87.   But the proposal has little support among members of the Republican majority.

88.   But the new Republican majorities in the House and Senate have been more open in soliciting the help of businesses in drafting bills with vast economic impact.

89.   But the new Republican majority in Congress wants the regulatory moratorium in place while it considers whether to rewrite the underlying laws governing the process of issuing rules.

90.   But the Republican majority is not allowed to admit it.

a. + majority >>共 546
vast 20.09%
republican 6.67%
overwhelming 6.36%
simple 4.37%
parliamentary 4.36%
large 3.68%
absolute 3.23%
new 2.73%
great 2.53%
clear 2.11%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
每页显示:    共 620