81.   Bush had been expected to easily win Florida, where his brother, Jeb, is the Republican governor.

82.   Bush is accompanied by Republican governors from Utah, Montana and Massachusetts.

83.   But a Republican governor is assumed to be strongly in favor of the death penalty.

84.   Bullock, often portrayed as the most powerful public official in Texas, also said working with Bush would be easier than the last Republican governor, Bill Clements.

85.   Burton explained the fact he is a Democrat who was appointed by a Republican governor should convince people that he is fair.

86.   Bush arrived late in the afternoon for the three-day visit, accompanied by fellow Republican governors from Utah, Massachusetts and Montana.

87.   But another Republican governor, Fife Symington of Arizona, expressed concerns similar to those of Chiles.

88.   Bush in January will become the second elected Republican governor in Texas since Reconstruction.

89.   But a growing number of Republican governors, mayors and state party officials are expressing reservations about the Republican-led inquiry or outright opposition to impeachment.

90.   But Engler claims too much credit for the economic turnaround for himself and other Republican governors such as Bill Weld.

a. + governor >>共 464
former 19.26%
republican 12.87%
provincial 6.01%
state 5.40%
democratic 4.72%
new 4.50%
regional 3.62%
acting 3.21%
first 1.81%
local 1.57%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
每页显示:    共 642