81.   Army troops have been called in to help evacuate villages, the report added.

82.   As a result, refugees only feel safe in areas where their ethnic group is in the majority, the report added.

83.   Authorities did not pay any ransom or make any other deals with the kidnappers, the reports added.

84.   Beginning next year, the commission would reorganize, merge or close down poorly managed companies, the report added.

85.   Border guards repelled the attack, which was launched from Albanian territory, and suffered no casualties, the report added.

86.   But the report also added the crew apparently did not properly use the navigational aids that were available at Salonica airport.

87.   But the Bellows report adds that the FBI did not provide the department with all the information it collected that could have helped in the decision.

88.   But, the report added, Russian troops continued to shell the town.

89.   Cai said their omission from the Asian Games roster did not mean they would not be used in future competitions, the report added.

90.   But, the report added, Russian troops continue to shell the town.

n. + add >>共 2049
official 5.90%
report 4.04%
source 3.68%
spokesman 3.32%
statement 3.31%
company 2.90%
police 1.70%
paper 1.49%
agency 1.38%
minister 0.89%
report + v. >>共 356
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