81.   Now all that remains are the facade and domes, beautifully reconstructed, and a small museum of what used to be.

82.   Now, some are discovering that what they thought were remains are powdered cement and wood chips.

83.   Once recovered, remains are stored in refrigerated trucks until they can be properly identified and reburied, he said.

84.   One of the reasons Sir Bear remains in action is that he is the pet of the stable, and his connections enjoy watching him race.

85.   Or, the remains can be scattered or buried.

86.   Outside the caves are remains of masonry walls, some with holes in them in which timbers for roofs or floors were once inserted.

87.   Police dug up the side yard of their home and found skeletal remains believed to be those of the woman.

88.   Remains are to be cataloged, then turned over to relatives for reburial.

89.   Saturday evening, the president is expected to attend a repatriation ceremony for servicemen whose remains are being to shipped back to the United States for identification.

90.   Six centuries later, its mummified remains were under the collapsed thatch twig roof.

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thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
remains 0.02%
remains + v. >>共 409
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divide 3.09%
close 2.85%
convince 2.50%
unchange 2.27%
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