81.   The study was released Wednesday.

82.   The University of Chicago released a study last week on sex.

83.   The World Wildlife Fund has released a study condemning the roundups and calls for controls on the largely unregulated sport and industry.

84.   To coincide with the conference, the Kaiser Family Foundation will release a study on what kind of messages daytime television conveys about sex, contraceptives and AIDS.

85.   Thursday the Labor Department reports initial jobless claims and the Philadelphia Fed releases its study of regional economic conditions.

86.   UCLA School of Management releases a study Tuesday on the economic impact of sports organizations on the city of Los Angeles.

87.   Two of three Californians are not getting the recommended daily serving of five fruits and vegetables, a study released Tuesday by the state Department of Health Services shows.

88.   Two weeks ago, prominent researchers released a study showing significant gains by black students who had been given vouchers to help pay for private school.

89.   WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Yet another study has been released showing the benefits of exercise.

90.   When the most recent study was released two weeks ago, the company was prepared that day with a detailed rebuttal.

v. + study >>共 521
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begin 2.15%
release + n. >>共 848
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report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
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