81.   However, Stothard said the women would camp outside the police station and go on a hunger strike until all the male detainees have been released.

82.   In both cases the detainees were released without injury.

83.   All the detainees were later released.

84.   But the authority began last week releasing detainees it said had been found not guilty of any illegal activity.

85.   Carter did not say if he got assurances from Abacha on when these detainees would be released.

86.   Detainees should be released and those convicted in secret trials should be allowed an open appeal process, it added.

87.   The rights group gave the justice ministry six days to try or release the detainees or face legal action.

88.   There is currently mounting local and international pressures on the government to release political detainees.

89.   They could free all prisoners of war on Saturday, a humanitarian aid official said in Sarajevo as Bosnian officials signalled they were prepared to release their detainees.

90.   They said a cabinet committee chaired by Police Minister Moshe Shahal had set out the criteria for releasing the detainees.

v. + detainee >>共 165
release 12.15%
hold 8.54%
treat 5.78%
free 3.73%
visit 3.37%
identify 2.77%
take 2.53%
torture 2.29%
interrogate 2.17%
send 1.93%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
detainee 0.53%
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