81.   The latest gross domestic product data will be released next Friday.

82.   The group, Transportation Alternatives, released the data a day after Mayor Rudolph Giuliani announced a broad-based attack on uncivilized drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.

83.   The National Thoroughbred Racing Association released data from a comprehensive drug testing study that it said showed that the sport does a solid job of sniffing out cheaters.

84.   The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association will release data for April on Wednesday.

85.   The NHTSA plans to release detailed data soon on side-impact tests, but as yet none are publicly available.

86.   The online service apparently provided the information in violation of its contract with users not to release personal data.

87.   The picture might be clearer when completed census data is released in two or three years.

88.   The rout intensified Friday, even though no fresh data were released.

89.   The PUC faces a Thursday deadline to release that data.

90.   The six states for which the government released data Wednesday are Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Rhode Island and Washington.

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