81.   While the FDA monitors U.S. fish farmers, Chile does not regulate its industry.

82.   A Massachusetts law banning tattooing except by physicians has been deemed unconstitutional by a judge who suggested the state would be better served by licensing and regulating the industry.

83.   Bautista said that his department is also batting for the liberalized use of domestic vessels which is currently hampered by existing rules regulating the industry.

84.   Ezamshah said people should have full confidence in insurance companies as the Government strictly regulates the industry.

85.   The bill also establishes an independent Information and Communications Technology Authority to regulate the industry.

86.   The government should abolish the current Alien Business Law and use only the laws of each business to regulate industry.

87.   The government vowed that it would continue to regulate the industry after privatization to assure it operates in the public good.

88.   The minister also said the Franchise Bill to regulate the industry is in its final drafting stage and is expected to be tabled in Parliament middle of this year.

89.   The Telecommunications Authority of Singapore, which tightly regulates the industry, said SingNet had not violated any rules or regulations.

90.   Their work is sponsored by several federal agencies and orchestrated by the Minerals Management Service, which regulates offshore industry.

v. + industry >>共 769
protect 2.88%
regulate 2.53%
deregulate 2.40%
dominate 2.14%
bank 1.90%
hurt 1.77%
help 1.72%
hit 1.66%
sue 1.56%
affect 1.50%
regulate + n. >>共 776
tobacco 4.54%
industry 3.28%
nicotine 2.42%
price 2.22%
flow 2.08%
use 2.01%
activity 1.98%
product 1.67%
cigarette 1.37%
trade 1.37%
每页显示:    共 95