81.   Docents lead informative tours at regular intervals.

82.   During the exhaustive blow-by-blow of the hearings, Hill pauses at regular intervals to remind us how frightened and determined and weary she was.

83.   Flatness is combined with spatial depth created by a receding wire fence marked by lamps at regular intervals.

84.   Fold edge of bottom pastry back over ends of the lattice strips, pleating it at regular intervals, to make a neat border.

85.   For example, rats trained to press a lever at regular intervals to get food lose the ability when their dopamine-producing cells are removed.

86.   For years, he advocated CAT scans of the brain for all boxers at regular intervals and after a knockout.

87.   Gandavia, who has received similar notes from Sherry at regular intervals since then, is now thoroughly fed up.

88.   He actually has a book open in front of him and he IS turning the pages at regular intervals.

89.   He must eat at regular intervals because of diabetes.

90.   He transmitted messages to the ship at regular intervals.

a. + interval >>共 128
regular 34.45%
frequent 5.12%
brief 4.59%
short 3.89%
irregular 3.71%
long 3.18%
decent 3.18%
longer 1.77%
weekly 1.77%
sunny 1.77%
regular + n. >>共 1096
season 18.81%
basis 3.88%
meeting 2.76%
interval 1.21%
contact 1.11%
exercise 1.08%
customer 1.03%
flight 0.96%
session 0.90%
visit 0.86%
每页显示:    共 194