81.   The reforms include restructuring ailing industries such as mining and steel.

82.   The reforms included new laws to encourage private business, foreign investment and trade.

83.   The reforms include privatization of industries, unification of the exchange rate, lowering of tariffs, liberalization of banking and financial sector and a drop in budget deficit.

84.   The reforms include the promotion of transparency and the prevention of nepotism and monopoly in the economic and political systems.

85.   These reforms include allowing priests to celebrate Mass in languages other than Latin.

86.   These reforms have included copyrights, patents and trademarks.

87.   These reforms include allowing priests to face the congregation and to celebrate Mass in languages other than Latin.

88.   We shall see if these reforms include a reshuffle of the cabinet to allay charges of nepotism.

89.   He said that prison reforms will also include allowing prisoners to continue working and their salaries to be paid to their families.

90.   However the reforms do not include any measure about the freedom of expression, desired by advocates of democracy and also by western countries pushing for liberalisation in Turkey.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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dead 0.87%
reform 0.27%
reform + v. >>共 439
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go 2.50%
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