81.   The seal was splattered with red paint during a similar protest by another student group the previous day.

82.   The Vatican flag was defaced with red paint and eight lights were smashed, police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.

83.   The young people hurled buckets of red paint in the early-morning incident called by groups critical of Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori.

84.   These apocalyptic works are splashed with red paint, as if covered in blood.

85.   Traces of red paint are still visible on the main pyramid.

86.   Two containers of red paint hit the roof and door of his popemobile, and police dragged away a naked woman who tried to block its path.

87.   Vandals have again targeted a statue of Charles de Gaulle, painting four Xs in red paint on the tribute to the late French president.

88.   Vandals sprayed political slogans in red paint on the grave of former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin on Tuesday, a day before national elections.

89.   Workers from a tractor factory hurled red paint at the white walls of the main government party headquarters in Warsaw and set tires on fire outside.

90.   Workers were cleaning up a mess left by a pro-government gang that lobbed eggs, red paint and rocks at opposition Democratic Party headquarters last week.

a. + paint >>共 449
red 6.14%
white 5.72%
lead 4.83%
new 4.11%
old 3.93%
fresh 3.40%
thinner 3.04%
black 2.32%
blue 2.15%
lead-based 2.15%
red + n. >>共 798
wine 6.36%
card 4.82%
rose 2.07%
hair 2.02%
brick 1.92%
clay 1.54%
line 1.54%
onion 1.32%
zone 1.25%
alert 1.04%
paint 1.01%
每页显示:    共 102