81.   He sent his members home, while the Senate, which had raised the alarm, closed its offices but met as usual.

82.   He quoted Milani as saying that the object should raise no alarms.

83.   His final act was a selfless one, raising the alarm and taking the first fusillade of bullets.

84.   Holbrooke said he had received a phone call over the weekend from Bernard Kouchner, the U.N. civil administrator in Kosovo, raising an alarm and pleading for help.

85.   If its inspectors find something suspicious, they can only raise the alarm, leaving it to the Security Council to take action against the violator.

86.   Instead, even as peacekeepers saw the bodies of freshly killed Muslims in Srebrenica, they raised no alarm.

87.   It feared that raising the alarm would compromise its neutrality and end its ability to inspect prisoner of war camps.

88.   Later, he raised public alarms over nuclear waste left in the Arctic by submarine accidents and haphazard disposal of spent reactor cores.

89.   Lately the trend has raised alarms among pollsters and social scientists, who are starting to question the validity of many surveys conducted for politicians and the media.

90.   No law restricts such growth, and local, state and federal officials have failed to raise an alarm.

v. + alarm >>共 140
raise 26.13%
express 12.59%
cause 9.98%
trigger 6.86%
set_off 3.65%
sound 3.13%
hear 2.34%
set 2.08%
install 1.82%
voice 1.65%
raise + n. >>共 391
money 11.41%
question 8.54%
concern 5.36%
price 4.42%
issue 4.42%
rate 4.28%
fund 2.88%
possibility 2.50%
tax 2.21%
fear 2.18%
alarm 0.71%
每页显示:    共 299