81.   If opened, it would be the first of several regional dumps around the United States mandated by the federal government as permanent repositories for low-level radioactive waste.

82.   If that would happen, more water would move through the mountain, washing radioactive waste into the groundwater, thus diluting it.

83.   In addition, Yeltsin told Hashimoto that Russia would no longer dump radioactive waste into open waters.

84.   In addition to hunting down nuclear weapons, Banks said, the devices can detect radioactive waste that has been mixed with other cargo.

85.   In his plan, big particle accelerators would, by a kind of nuclear alchemy, transmute radioactive wastes and plutonium into more benign elements before they were buried.

86.   In Nevada, for example, residents are fighting the government over the use of Yucca Mountain as a site for the storage of radioactive waste.

87.   In the western part of Tooele County, officials also established a special zone where radioactive wastes from processing uranium for atomic bombs are stored.

88.   It badly needs a larger airport, more container ship docks, improved rail connections, a better water supply and a safe place to store low-grade radioactive waste.

89.   It had always been thought that virtually all nations that generate highly radioactive waste planned similar methods of disposal.

90.   It is a radioactive waste that the U.S. government provides to the military and arms manufacturers free of charge, to reduce the Department of Energy stockpiles.

a. + waste >>共 402
nuclear 23.00%
radioactive 11.47%
toxic 11.12%
human 3.70%
industrial 3.54%
solid 2.50%
low-level 1.96%
high-level 1.77%
animal 1.71%
liquid 1.42%
radioactive + n. >>共 250
material 23.41%
waste 17.38%
substance 4.40%
isotope 2.97%
leak 2.97%
iodine 2.58%
element 2.35%
contamination 2.25%
dust 1.82%
fallout 1.77%
每页显示:    共 361