81.   The U.S. Coast Guard has said it needs the radar to detect drug traffickers heading for this U.S. commonwealth.

82.   The weather radar detected isolated light showers over water south of our area.

83.   The weather radar detected isolated showers in the coastal waters of northeast Puerto Rico and extending to the U.S. Virgin islands.

84.   The weather radar detected isolated showers over the water north of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

85.   The weather radar detected isolated showers over the water to the north of our area.

86.   The weather radar detected isolated showers over the water to the north of Puerto Rico.

87.   The weather radar detected isolated showers over water in the Mona Passage.

88.   The weather radar detected only isolated showers over water just north of Puerto Rico.

89.   The weather radar detected scattered showers over the north coast of Puerto Rico and over the water just off the north coast.

90.   The weather radar did not detect any precipitation over Puerto Rico ... The Virgin Islands or the adjacent coastal waters.

n. + detect >>共 332
radar 10.37%
test 6.54%
sensor 3.31%
doctor 3.23%
system 2.88%
scientist 2.27%
device 2.01%
machine 1.92%
official 1.74%
satellite 1.39%
radar + v. >>共 109
detect 21.25%
indicate 16.43%
be 10.54%
show 9.29%
track 3.57%
pick_up 2.68%
monitor 1.43%
lock 1.43%
cover 1.25%
have 1.07%
每页显示:    共 118