81.   For writers who are seen to have crossed the line into opposition, the punishment can be prison.

82.   Glenn Healy, one of the Ranger goalies, said Sunday that he favors making goalies obey the equipment rules but that the punishment is too severe.

83.   Generally, the punishment is less severe if a player who tests positive has shown diligence in following his treatment plan, league spokesman Greg Aiello said.

84.   Furthermore, punishment was light even when smuggled people died.

85.   Group punishment is for cretins.

86.   He also said he favored cracking down on corporations that hire illegal immigrants, although he said he was not sure criminal punishments were necessary.

87.   He argued that the punishment was too severe, that the league and the team had improperly acted together.

88.   He says his punishment was correct.

89.   He is leading demonstrations in defense of the six teenagers with the argument that their punishment was excessive.

90.   He was mentally dead, and so far as punishment was concerned, they should have punished his insane relatives.

n. + be >>共 1635
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question 0.56%
official 0.55%
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punishment 0.03%
punishment + v. >>共 121
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