81.   If you are a serious novice but nervous about getting under the hood of your PC, these programs can help.

82.   In addition, Merck said, its programs can help patients get the best drugs for the best price.

83.   In a financial sense, Jaffe added, the programs also help develop a group of patients who might continue using the drug after it is marketed.

84.   In addition to the money the city receives for the recycled products, several studies have said that the program also can help the city create jobs.

85.   In sum, these SAT programs might help average test takers bump up their scores without spending hundreds of dollars on an SAT prep course.

86.   In my experience with Indian economic development, federal programs can only help in the sense of lending assistance to a good idea.

87.   In fact, even the GAO acknowledged that the promotion program helped open markets for beef in Japan.

88.   In fact, the program can help avoid overeating.

89.   In Rwanda, for example, vocational training and employment programs have helped stabilize the delicate political situation.

90.   In the past, a voluntary state program has helped some mothers collect money.

n. + help >>共 1529
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dollar 0.99%
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program + v. >>共 667
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